How Did Laurie Lundeberg Die? Laurie Kay Lundeberg had resided in her Grand Rapids home for around twenty years. The 50-year-old had a child and a little girl who lived with her notwithstanding a flat mate. Laurie was depicted as an amicable and supportive individual who had a proclivity for pets; she raised many birds and creatures all through her life. At the hour of the episode. Laurie filled in as a clerk at a neighborhood drug store.

After 1 AM on March 18, 2017, individuals on Laurie’s road called the specialists to report a few discharges. The officials surged there to track down Laurie outside her home with blood on her. The 50-year-old had been shot multiple times: when each in the face, chest, and one more through her armpit that cut across her lungs. The police noticed that every last bit of her effects were still there with her, precluding burglary as a rationale.

Who Killed Laurie Lundeberg? The case kept on being explored absent a lot of karma until things changed in 2018. On January 23, the specialists answered one more shooting in the very region that brought about the passing of 17-year-old Andre Hawkins. The police captured Vicente Rodriguez-Ortiz around two days after the fact, then, at that point, a 22-year-old. When witness explanations came through and Vicente was addressed, it gradually turned out to be clear what occurred.

Prior on January 23, Vicente’s 18-year-former sweetheart had parted ways with him, prompting him becoming absolutely unhinged. Afterward, she professed to have been with Andre and one more companion outside her home when Vicente took steps to kill her with a weapon. Then, at that point, she and her companions entered a vehicle in the carport, and Andre was shot threefold as he attempted to begin the vehicle. Vicente fled yet was captured a few days after the fact. According to the show, he conceded to being furious and desirous about seeing his ex with another person. Vicente later admitted to pointing the firearm at her and afterward firing Andre.

The specialists then, at that point, discovered that the firearm utilized in Andre’s homicide was equivalent to the one that killed Laurie. Moreover, Vicente was seen as at real fault for attacking Laurie after an episode in September 2016. As per the show, a companion of Vicente’s was an inhabitant at Laurie’s home, and at a certain point, she defied the two with respect to medicate action in her storm cellar. The attack happened just after that. Vicente asserted that the evening of Laurie’s homicide, she had shouted at him in the city, so he snapped and shot her.

Where could Vicente Rodriguez-Ortiz Now be? In March 2019, Vicente argued no challenge to second-degree murder and lawful offense utilization of a gun for Laurie’s situation. For killing Andre, a jury viewed him to be blameworthy of first-degree murder in February 2019. In April that very year, Vicente was condemned to 35-75 years for killing Laurie and life in jail without the chance of parole for killing Andre. Records show that Vicente remains imprisoned at Saginaw Correctional Facility in Freeland, Michigan.