While this will definitely be an exciting time, there is just one problem that we will all have to deal with on launch day. 

Day one required patches.

Merely a day after a senior marketing member said that the Xbox One will have a better experience than the PlayStation 4, Microsoft has confirmed that the Xbox One will pretty much be a $500 paperweight until you download the day one patch. Director of Product Management, Albert Penello, told Engadget that the Xbox One won’t even play disc-based games without the owner downloading the patch immediately.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the norm for console releases. The PS4 will need a 300 MB day one patch to activate its features. The Wii U needed an even bigger 1 GB update when it released at the end of last year.

Some were hoping that the arrival of the “next-gen” would signal the end of day one patches. Alas, it seems the days of a company releasing a product that doesn’t require the user to download an immediate update are long gone.