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App Cubby has launched a followup to their app Launch Center, Launch Center Pro, and the application offers the quickest way to launch actions with your iPhone or iPod touch. As App Cubby explains, the standard iOS home screen offers a way to jump into applications like Safari, Mail, Twitter, and Camera, but iOS does not offer a way to quickly access actions that are within apps.

Launch Center Pro is this home screen for actions. And more. Read on for the full review:

As you can see above, the application offers a grid of icons to access in-app actions. Some of the default and popular actions include dialing a pre-set contact’s phone number, turning on a flashlight (the iPhone’s rear LED flash), adjusting the device’s display backlight brightness, sending an email, sending a text message, starting a web search, opening web bookmarks, Tweeting, and launching apps. This is just the surface. Within each of these options are settings. For example, the “New Email” button can easily be programmed to have a set recipient, message body, and subject. Same with text messaging.

Actions such as the aforementioned Safari bookmarks can actually be turned into what is known as a Group. From here, the bookmark group can contain several bookmarks. The application can also recognize which applications you have installed. With this feature, the application can allow you to jump into actions within third-party App Store applications. For example, you can have an Instagram camera button that will take you direct to the camera within the Instagram app.

While the ability to have a specific launcher for actions within applications and general iOS features makes the iOS experience smoother and more intuitive, one of Launch Center Pro’s biggest pros is the ability to maneuver around the launcher without lifting your finger. Users of the launcher can slide between actions and apps on their grid and simply let go over the action they wish to pursue. This feature, perhaps alone, makes Launch Center Pro your avenue towards being an iOS pro-user.

Launch Center Pro is available on the App Store for $2.99.