While most people in the USA are busy enjoying the holidays with their family, ASUS has been teasing its upcoming line-up of Android devices via teaser videos. Last week, the company hinted at a dual-booting Android/Windows hybrid device via its easer video, and in today’s teaser video, the company hints at not one or two, but three Android devices with varying screen sizes.

The 23 second long teaser video titled “What’s your number?” does not show off any upcoming ASUS device in action, but only shows balls falling from the sky in Taipei, Taiwan. On some those balls, the numbers 4, 5 and 6 are written, which along with the title of the device suggests that ASUS will be launching a number of Android powered devices with varying screen sizes at CES.

With CES two weeks away, expect more details about the upcoming devices from ASUS to leak or be teased directly from the company itself. ASUS has not really left a mark with its Android devices among consumers, even though it has come up with many innovative products in the past. This is mainly because of the poor marketing skills and the lack of any presence outside Asia. Hopefully, the company will change that in 2014.