Putting halt to all the hypes, finally, Nokia X has emerged out of the shadows with all its glory.Yes, the all new Nokia X has revealed itself thanks to a Chinese social media website. We have found out the Nokia X real photos which have unveiled a lot about the upcoming flagship device. This device will feature the model number TA-1099. Some sources say that it will be called as the Nokia X6

Interestingly unlike various other latest devices that have been inspiring their design from Apple iPhone X, Nokia X seems to have taken a different route. The design of the Nokia is quite different although the display will feature a notch. The front face camera and proximity sensor along with the earpiece will occupy the adjoining place. The bezels are there but look pretty thin.They actually gave a OnePlus 5T kind of look in the first glance we ran over them.

Obviously, as the trend continues the Nokia X will feature the dual camera with dual-LED flash. It is followed by the fingerprint scanner on the rear side itself, which stations just below the camera. The right side of the device sports the volume rockers and power buttons and the left side is occupied by the sim tray.

Here you can take a look at some of the leaked Nokia X real photos.

We expect a May 2018 launch of this Nokia X but nothing is confirmed as such. Its price and market availability is not clearly known as of now. All the other Nokia devices we know are mainly pre-dominant in the Asian market.

So, this reveal definitely will excite the Nokia fans and leave them yearning for more information on the device. We too hope to bring you more official info on the Nokia X in the coming days. Till then you can drool over the latest Nokia X real photos for the device looks stunning.
