As the fall approaches, the Economic Daily news has issued a new report with the latest chatter it is hearing about some of Apple’s upcoming iOS device launches. Here’s what the paper is reporting about the “iWatch:”

  • The iWatch will be introduced at the end of Q3 2014
  • The Apple wearable device will include components and production from Largan, Foxconn, Pegatron, Quanta, Inventec and F-TPK
  • The iWatch is expected to include an OLED display, but current prototypes are having power draw issues that are being worked through
  • The paper is expecting a price point of $349 with initial shipment numbers around 10 million units

As for the new iPhones, here’s what the Daily is reporting:

  • The smaller, 4.7-inch model will continue to use Corning Gorilla glass for the display
  • The 4.7-inch version will use displays sourced from LG Display and Japan Display and is not having yield problems
  • The paper is expecting 60 million units of the 4.7 inch model to be initially produced
  • The larger 5.5-inch model will sport the sapphire crystal screen and is having production issues due to low sapphire crystal yield rates and will be short in supply through the end of 2014

With the iWatch expected to ship in the fourth quarter and be introduced at some point in October, this timeframe makes sense. As an iPhone accessory, the smaller amount of units in production also does not seem surprising. The reported issues with the OLED display are interesting given the few months remaining until introduction, but the claims are not unprecedented. Reports from last year indicated that Apple was looking to switch display suppliers for the iWatch due to production issues. With October sounding like a lock for an iWatch-related keynote, it seems that Apple is confident that it will fix up any remaining development problems by the fall.

As for the claims about the new iPhones, the 4.7-inch model seeing smooth production and the 5.5-inch model tracking delays is unsurprising. Several reports over the past few months have indicated that the 4.7-inch unit will ship before the 5.5-inch product. It’s unclear if the two sizes will be introduced simultaneously or at separate events. In terms of sapphire crystal, we and others have reported that the next-generation iPhone will include sapphire crystal screen glass for improved durability. Claims, however, have been split regarding if the crystal will be available on all new iPhone models or just on the larger-screened version. Today’s report indicates the sapphire will be exclusive to the 5.5-inch model, but this can still likely go either way depending on supply.

As for Apple’s other iOS devices, marginal improvements to both the iPad Air and iPad mini are also expected for the fall.