However, the LADWP power outages have become frequent and widespread, disenchanting residents and business owners. Most of the time, the LADWP power supply is mainly affected by the sudden weather shifts in Los Angeles. The power outages can cause so much damage to people’s home appliances and businesses. 

The exciting news is that you can claim compensation for the damages incurred during Ladwp power outages. To know how you can do this and much more, continue reading.

What Factors Can Cause An Ladwp Power Outage?

Several factors contribute to the Ladwp power outage. The factors, at times, may be like a thunderbolt, which is unexpected. For example, we have natural causes which are beyond human beings’ ability to control. Other factors include human error, lack of equipment maintenance, and equipment failure. These factors are discussed widely below:

Human Error

As humans, we, at times, unintentionally cause a power outage. For example, placing an antenna close to a power cable may cause a power outage. Additionally, when a traffic accident occurs, it may result ta o power outage. When this happens, so much damage may be caused.

Natural Causes

Sometimes, a Ladwp power outage is out of human’s control and not humans’ fault. For instance, lightning, heavy rains, snow, and strong wind are all-natural factors that can cause a dim-out. The natural cause may happen any day, without expectation and planning, resulting in more expenses and damages being incurred.

Lack of Equipment Maintenance

When scheduled maintenance does not take place as it’s supposed to, chances are the performance of the equipment will be affected, which will for sure cause a blackout.

Equipment Failures

If equipment such as power cables, transformers, or switches are not repaired and well maintained, they may cause a brownout.

Can You Check For Ladwp Brownouts In Your Area? 

Yes, you can. When an electrical failure happens, and you are left to stay in the dark for a seemingly more extended period than you expected, some damages are bound to happen. For example, any food stored in the fridge may go bad. Secondly, your electronic appliances may get damaged due to the brownout.

However, you can avoid incurring these damages by staying prepared and on the lookout for a power outage in your area.  Follow these steps to check for a blackout in your area and areas near:

Search for the Ladwp website on your browser, then open the page. Click on the “outage information” option on the website’s top header. A map showing all areas experiencing an electrical failure in Los Angeles will appear; check if your area is affected. To stay updated on any Ladwp power outage news, make sure you subscribe.

Can You Get Compensated For The Damages Incurred During An Ladwp Power Outage?

Yes, sure you can get reimbursed. More often than not, when a dim out happens, your business is put to a standstill, your appliances break due to a power surge, accidents are caused, and even your food in the fridge may spoil. The damages and expenses incurred may be unbearable, pushing you to seek compensation. 

Therefore if push comes to shove and you consider requesting compensation for the damages incurred, follow the steps mentioned below:

Ensure you fill in the Ladwp claim form provided. When providing information about the power outage incident, be specific. For example, provide details such as your location, date, and time of the outage incident. Attach the receipts, bills, and invoices and document your claim. For additional assistance, you can send an email to claims@ladwp. com or dial 213-367-4600.

Your compensation claim will be processed, and the company will get back to you with feedback.

Ladwp power outages are always happening daily, causing damage left, right and center. This affects business owners and residents in an unfathomable manner. You should always check for the power outage news to avoid incurring damages. If a power outage happens and the damages incurred are severe, you can ask for compensation. I hope you pick a point or two from this article.

Where can I check for Ladwp power outages? 

To check for Ladwp power outages, visit their page(Ladwp website) and click on the power outage information button, to get the information you need.

What causes Ladwp brownout? 

Ladwp blackout is caused by natural causes, human error, lack of equipment maintenance and repair, and equipment failure.

Can I ask for compensation for the power outage incurred damages? 

Yes, you can ask for compensation. If the damages and expenses incurred are too much, then, by all means, you can ask for compensation. To ask for compensation, you need to file a compensation claim by filling out the claim form provided by Ladwp and then submitting your claim.