though rumors have been circulating since last month that will offer a paid “all you can watch” video subscription service, Android lice’s recent teardown of the YouTube for Android app update reveals that the service may arrive sooner than we think. A piece of code embedded in the new YouTube app reveals evidence of something called Music ss, which could possibly be the name of the rumored service that ’s developing. Features like background listing, uninterrupted music with “no ads on millions of songs,” offline playback are all mentioned in the code. The phrase “no ads” suggests that will likely charge users for non-stop music video playlists, perhaps taking after the ay l Access streaming music service launched earlier this year. Android lice also notes that offline playback background listening are specifically mentioned in relation to the Music ss, which means they’ll likely be limited to paid subscribers. Before you ready yourself for uninterrupted streaming, keep in mind there’s no official word from yet on whether or not the YouTube Music ss will see the light of day. For now, you can download the new YouTube app directly from the ay store to enjoy its new slide-over menu bar interface enhancements, dream of the day when music videos matter again.