That’s what prior it’s seen, library staff advised everybody to leave the library for 30 minutes since lights began glinting. Arjun met Kavya’s educator. He got some information about Preeta. She let him know that Preeta should be in the library. Kavya advised him to leave before Preeta sees him. Instructor thought Arjun is Kavya’s dad.

Prithvi hung tight for Preeta in the library. He made clamors when she entered the library to realize that she could perceive his voice or not. Arjun hauled Prithvi out of the library. He cautioned him to not wander around Preeta. They got into a battle. Prithvi let him know that he won’t extra an individual who affront him.

He advised him that he knows his mysteries. He requested that he pick either fellowship and hostility and left from that point. Arjun tracked down Prithvi’s telephone. He gave it to a woman saying that somebody dropped it. He got back to library. He frightened Preeta to redirect her consideration. He talked like God to her. She comprehended somebody deceiving her. She got stunned seeing Arjun there. She chastened him for frightening her. He comprehended that she don’t have the foggiest idea about a best approach out. He assumed he actually loves to inconvenience her.

In the forthcoming episode, Arjun will let Preeta know that he isn’t keen on her, since she isn’t his sort. Afterward, Preeta will track down Prithvi’s telephone in the washroom.

Will Prithvi understand that his telephone is absent? How Preeta will manage Prithvi’s telephone? This large number of inquiries will be addressed in the impending episodes.