The story trailer, illustrated by series creator Takashi Okazaki, sheds some light on the back story of Jinno a.k.a. Kuma - a cybernetic samurai with a powerful grudge for his “brother” Afro Samurai, who he believes killed his friends and family. While Kuma will be the protagonist of this game, Redacted stated that other characters may be playable. The game will take place after the events of Afro Samurai, so it’s not clear whether these will be new characters or a return to the old favorites.

The story of Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma was written by American Sniper writer James Defelice. Music will be done by the RZA, Bobby McCoy a.k.a. Visualeyes, and Noah Stein a.k.a Nesteez. All of the voice actors from the original anime are to reprise their roles, as well as some new ones.

The original game, released in 2009, was met with mixed reviews. Its hack-and-slash style of gameplay, along with beautiful cell-shaded characters, made it one of the top contenders for games in the late 2000s. Fans of the show were also delighted that the game had the original voice actors,(Samuel L. Jackson and Ron Perlman) reprise their roles. Although RZA did not produce the music for the game, he did oversee its production.

It is still unclear if the game’s cut scenes will return to its cell-shaded origins, or if it will keep the illustrative animations seen in the trailer; however cell-shaded models are seen on the game’s homepage.