It is a highly flexible container tool to deliver even complex applications. Applications ‘run on clusters of hundreds to thousands of individual servers.” It also allows you to manage your containerized application more efficiently.

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source lightweight containerization technology. It has gained widespread popularity in the cloud and application packaging world. It allows you to automate the deployment of applications in lightweight and portable containers. It is computer software used for Virtualization. It also allows you to run multiple Operating systems on the same host. Virtualization in Docker is performed on the system-level in what is popularly called Docker containers.

Features of Kubernetes

Here are the essential features of Kubernetes:

Offers automated scheduling Self-Healing capabilities Automated rollouts & rollback Horizontal Scaling & Load Balancing Provides a higher density of resource utilization Offers enterprise-ready features Application-centric management Auto-scalable infrastructure You can create predictable infrastructure Provides declarative configuration Deploy and update software at scale Offers environment consistency for development, testing, and production

Features of Docker

Here are the essential features of Docker:

Isolated environments for managing your applications Easy Modeling Version control Placement/Affinity Application Agility Developer Productivity Operational Efficiencies

Difference between Kubernetes and Docker

Here is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes.

Advantages of Kubernetes

Here, are pros/ benefits of using Kubernetes.

Easy organization of service with pods It is developed by Google, who bring years of valuable industry experience to the table. Largest community among container orchestration tools. Offers a variety of storage options, including on-premises SANs and public clouds. Adheres to the principals of immutable infrastructure.

Advantages of Docker

Here, are significant cons/ benefits of using Docker container:

Offers an efficient and easier initial set up Integrates and works with existing Docker tools Allows you to describe your application lifecycle in detail Docker allows the user to track their container versions with ease to examine discrepancies between prior versions. Simples configuration, interact with Docker Compose. Docker offers a quick-paced environment that boots up a virtual machine and lets an app run in a virtual environment quickly. Documentation provides every bit of information. Provides simple and fast configuration to boost your business Ensures that application is isolated

Disadvantages of Kubernetes

Here, are cons/ drawbacks of using Kubernetes container:

Migrating to stateless requires many efforts Limited functionality according to the availability in the Docker API. Highly complex Installation/configuration process Not compatible existing Docker CLI and Compose tools Complicated manual cluster deployment and automatic horizontal scaling set up

Disadvantages of Docker

Here, are important cons/drawbacks of Docker container:

Doesn’t provide a storage option Has poor monitoring option. No automatic rescheduling of inactive Nodes Complicated automatic horizontal scaling set up All the actions have to be performed in CLI. Basic infrastructure handling Manual handling multiple instances Need support for other tools for production aspects – monitoring, healing, scaling Complicated manual cluster deployment No support of health-checks Docker is for-profit SaaS company. Many critical components like Docker Engine, Docker Desktop are not ope-source.