
All-Star Tower Defense is an anime-based tower defense type game available for download on Google Play or App Store. It has anime characters instead of the regular turrets and defenses available in these types of games. One such character from this game is ‘Koku (alternative).’ It’s an adaptation of Son Goku from the Dragon Ball Z series. This article will provide insight into this character and can be helpful for those playing the game.

In-Game Character Information:

Base Koku statistics –

Koku (alternative) is a reasonably powerful character with 4-star ground level and AoE (Cone) type damage in the game. To make this easy and understandable for a regular non-player, a 4-star type is a medium-level unit, the ‘ground level’ signifying that it is an on-ground and the term AoE means ‘Area of Effect,’ which we can see is conical, from the bracket in which the attack description is mentioned. It also has a unique ability called ‘Super Transformation,’ which transforms him into ‘Super Saiyan 3’ and allows him to move faster and deal more damage (much like the anime version for those who have seen the Dragon Ball Z series). This ability increases Koku’s damage by 75%, and his SPA (Second per Attack) will shorten to 3.5. However, his ability lasts only 12 seconds (roughly 3-4 attacks in the game). It then has a relatively brief cooldown period, and after that, the ability can be reused until the battle is over.

Moon Orb –

Another exciting feature that this character can use is the ‘Moon Orb,’ which can transform him into a different unit with different stats when used in conjunction with Koku. His physical appearance changes into a dragon with a new name: ‘The Golden Ape.’ His star level also increases from 4 to 6, the second-highest possible level achieved in the game. His speed increases, as do his reflexes and strength, turning him into an even more powered-up character. One more helpful ability that he gets is to be able to fly as he transforms into a flying type unit instead of the regular ground type.

Strongest Form Koku –

One last buff that this character can get is when he evolves into ‘Koku (Ultimate Reflex)’ based on his Ultra Instinct (strongest power-up) form in the Dragon Ball Z series. In this form, his AoE (Cone) changes into (Circle), and he can attack in a full 360 degrees area. Also, his star level touches the maximum limit, which is 7. However, since this form of Koku is so broken (overpowered), the requirements set to achieve it are very harsh. A person needs 3x’Super God Koku’ characters, 25x’Alien Solider’ characters, 25x’Alien Solider II’ characters, and 20x’Alien Solider III’ characters along with a lot of credits and gems to create one unit of Koku (Ultimate Reflex).


In conclusion, Koku (alternative) is a compelling character once upgraded. Still, this task isn’t easy, as the maximum level is 175, and it requires lots of resources and time. Hence, the people playing the game usually cannot collect the necessary materials required to do so, and they often purchase upgrades with real-time money. 

Q1. How much damage does Koku (alternative) in his base form do, and what is his base speed?

His damage is 101, and his speed is 21.

Q2. How do I get Koku ASTD in the game?

The character is available in the beginner daily rewards and can also be obtained from the Hero Summon.

Q3. What are orbs, and what role do they play in the game?

Orbs are magical stones in the game, and each has a different skill/power-providing ability.

Q4. Is Koku (alternative) a rare card? What is the maximum level, and how to reach it?

No, Koku is not a rare card and can be gotten from the beginner daily rewards for free. It can also be obtained through hero summons, which isn’t that expensive.

Q5. What is the maximum level of Koku (alternative), and how to reach it?

Koku (alternative) in its standard form has a maximum level of 175, which can be reached by upgrading the character 174 times with credits which are very hard to collect. Another way to reach this level is by buying diamonds in real-time money and then buying the character’s levels with the diamonds. However, this costs a lot of money, so people prefer to grind and make their way through the levels without spending actual money.

Q6. How can I get the moon orb to transform my character into Golden Ape?

Moon orbs can be crafted in the Orb shop with the following materials: 9000xDragon Bone; 9000xCalcite; 13250xChains; 13000xColor Mineral. They can also be bought for 9000 diamonds if someone wants to avoid collecting all the materials.

Some statistics of the character – 


Upgrade Cost








LEVEL 175 (max)

Upgrade Cost








Trivia –

Koku (alternative) is the second 4-star unit with a manual ability, the first being Flower Magus. Koku (alternative) is the first 4-star to get an Orb. Koku (alternative) is the first unit to change into an entirely different unit when using an orb. The other character that can do this is Veguko, a unit that requires two orbs to transform into a different unit. Koku is one of the only two units in the game that transforms into a hybrid unit using an Orb. The other unit capable of this is Ikki (Dark)Koku (alternative) is the only unit that gets added slots when its Orb is used. Koku (alternative) can be sold to another person in the game, but its enhanced version, The Golden Ape, cannot.