Founded in 1962 by Maxwell Kohl, it became the largest department store chain in the United States in May 2012. It is a large retailer where we can buy anything we need, from lollipops to engine oil… The company was the 23rd largest retailer in the United States in 2019. Kohl’s is also listed on the S&P 400 and the Fortune 500. 

Headquarters: Menomonee Falls, Wis. Founded in: 1962CEO Michelle Gass’ Salary (2020): $1. 25 million base pay


Share Price, 52-Week Range: $43. 67-$64. 802021 Revenue: $19. 433B2021 Profit: $938MGO Banking Rates’ Evaluation of Kohl’s Net Worth: $16. 33

Kohl’s corporate Culture & Values:

Kohl’s corporate expanded nationwide and settled up a whole system governed by strong values and created a corporate culture where everyone belongs. Working with Kohl’s offers the opportunity to live a win-win experience based on results and a test and learn approach. 

Application Process:

Now you know almost everything about the company, just one last thing is missing, how to apply: As a corporate with value, Kohl’s won’t hire you as a worker only because you are more than that. You are a potential associate. You are a person with a background, a family, a life, and goals. Assigning the right person to the right position is fundamental for the company. So let’s have a look at Kohl’s hiring process. Even if looking for a new job is long and stressful, being aware of all steps may make it easier. Kohl’s hiring process consists of 5 phases described below.


First of all, you have to make your application. You will look for a role that interests you and that matches your profile, skills, and knowledge. To express your interest, you have to create an account on the Kohl’s page where you’ll find the hiring process tab


 If both interests match, the Kohl’s HR team will be glad to get in touch with you and invite you to the second phase, the interview.  During this step, the main purpose is to know you more and to know more about your interests and goals. To help you further, we have listed below some frequently asked questions during previous interviews that you are invited to take into consideration if you are selected.

1- Tell us about yourself?

  1. What can you tell us about Kohls?

  2. Why do you want to work for Kohls?

  3. What is your greatest strength?

  4. What is your greatest weakness?

  5. How would you deal with an upset customer?

  6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  7. Why should I hire you?

  8. What hours can you work?

  9. How do you feel about standing on your feet all day?

  10. How was your attendance in your last job?

  11. Why did you leave your last job?

  12. How would you define excellent customer service?

  13. If you could be one animal, what would it be?


Thirdly, the hard part is finally over, and we are almost in if we accept Kohls’ proposal. The offer will include the hourly pay ( Hourly pay at Kohl’s Corporation ranges from an average of $9.08 to $19.18 ) depending on the positions and the hours needed for each work.

4- an Orientation

Finally, everything went great, and you are a part of Kohl’s big Team. To make it easier and to familiarize new entrants -day is scheduled to let you feel comfortable. During this day, a presentation is dedicated to setting out the works’ guidelines, such as entrance time and entrance cards and coffee and cigarette breaks. It is also the day where you will discover the work area and your new work colleagues. 

Kohl’s Values:

1-Kohl’s main purpose is:

*to let you work in a friendly environment « Down to earth but up for challenge. Friendly but focused.»             

*to let you grow professionally and personally « we work hard, but we have fun.»

*to work in a great team and act with integrity and drive expected results.

2-Kohl believes in people. Kohl’s workers are not just workers. They are also associates in the company, 

3-Kohl also believes that all of us are different and that diversity creates an added value.

4-Kohl’s offers roles that require the unique skills, values, and work ethic 

Kohl’s offers:

Kohl’s appreciates the value, the skills, and the efforts of its associates, and it rewards them with a multitude of perks; such as:

*Discounted movie tickets

*Medical and dental coverage

*Merchandise discounts

*Paid time off

*Fitness centers and gym discounts, etc….…


To conclude, let’s say that working with a big company like Kohl’s is worth it. We tried over this article to stop by some details that describe Kohl’s company and its hiring process. A 5 phases procedure; Application, Interview, Offer, and Orientation day if you are selected to be the new member of the big Kohl’s family team. Details are available, just summarized in these lines to give you some keys to success.