Can you take your dogs to Walmart? 

According to the Walmart official statement, the answer is a “NO” until and unless it is a service dog. Following is the policy of Walmart it states that they strictly follow FDA and ADA and on its basis, they do not allow dogs or any other pet animals inside the store. 

“Walmart welcomes service animals as defined by the ADA in our stores, and we recognize the important role they play in many of our customers’ lives. We do not allow pets in our stores.”

However, Walmart is a great place that provides food for furrier family members dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. So you must visit Walmart in order to grab your furrier family member’s food and other accessories. 

Reasons dogs are not allowed in Walmart?

The food and drug administration(FDA), states that in places where food is cooked and served such as cafes, bakeries, and grocery stores, no animals must be allowed because of the risk of contamination and allergies to the customers or workers. 

Following are the reasons:

  1. Can be unfavorable to visitors and employees

  2. Might scare visitors and people who have fear of dogs, 

  3. Dog’s hair can activate the allergies of people in the store.

  4. Also, a dog’s nature is to pee or poop anywhere hence, it increases the hygiene risk. 

Are dogs with strollers allowed? 

It’s still a no, even when the dog with a stroller reduces the risk of creating an untidy and unhygienic ambiance yet again they might activate the allergies or health issues of other people in the store including the employees. 

But why only service dogs? 

Walmart allows only service dogs for people requiring a helping hand, to accompany people who are blind or deaf, and the dogs guide or give them signals to different aisles. Moreover, service dogs are more well-behaved and highly trained than other dogs. 

What are the regulations for entering Walmart with a service dog? 

Being an owner of a dog must be in your control all-time in Walmart.  Your service dog must be trained that it must not wander around on its own nor should it be barking around the Walmart.   Moreover, carrying or treating your service dog like your baby is unacceptable by the Walmart authority hence, you must not bring your service dog in a stroller or a trolley.  

Can I take an emotional dog to Walmart? 

According to the pet policy of Walmart, it’s obvious that even emotional dogs are not allowed, as per ADA these dogs don’t come under their guidelines. Emotional dogs do lighten up the mood for people who struggle with managing their emotions and they help people suffering from anxieties. 

However, emotional dogs don’t perform day-to-day tasks, they cannot help the owner with groceries, and they do not serve the purpose of service animals. Therefore, they are not allowed.

Can you leave your dog outside Walmart? 

Yes, you can leave your pet outside Walmart but only at your own risk. Walmart and its authority won’t be responsible for any problem caused to your pet. Do make sure your dog or any other pet animal is left outside Walmart with proper food and water and must not be blocking the parking as it would create problems for visitors and can be dangerous for your dog.  

However, for your dog’s safety, it is recommended that you leave your dog at home, because of the extreme weather or unexpected rain/snow there might be a risk to your dog’s health. 

Are other grocery stores pet friendly? 

The stores where food is not cooked, served, or bought are pet friendly such as pet stores, furnishing stores and shopping malls as there is no risk of contamination of food. 

On the other hand, grocery stores like Walmart, and Target following the FDA do not allow any pet to enter their premises. You have to leave your pet at your home before coming to the grocery store or you can leave them outside the grocery store on your own responsibility.


It is to conclude that Walmart and other stores which have food are not pet-friendly at all apart from the service dogs no other dogs or pet animals are allowed. As the dogs are in habit of wandering around and peeing around with the addition of activating allergies in humans, therefore, to avoid certain problems FDA and ADA strictly prohibit carrying your pet animal inside grocery stores, bakeries, cafes, and restaurants.