Knob And Tube Wiring Replacement Cost

It may excite you that as early as the 1880s, people living in the northern part of America started wiring their buildings with electrical connections that supply light to the whole building. They achieved this standardized wiring through the wiring method obtainable with the knob & tube. It is not out of place to spoil or require a replacement; in this case, you want to determine the cost of doing so.

While renovating your house or building, or for other reason that may necessitate the replacement of your knob & tube wiring, bearing in mind the size of your building, the existing wiring and other renovation-related issues, you will know the amount to a budget that can be within fifteen thousand USD or lesser. However, your minimum budget should fall within two thousand USD. But on the medium estimate, seven to eight thousand USD can do.

Why it May Seem Expensive?

The knob and tube wiring, often referred to as the K & T wiring, is one of those age-long wiring methods that dates back to the 1880s, and it is obtainable in the northern part of America. The knob and tube made with porcelain do the protection work by insulating the conductors and ensuring proper connection.

The advent of other new wiring materials employed in the interiors like the power cable, which are significantly cost-saving when used for wiring installation compared to the knob & tube method, have tremendously hampered the use of knob & tube in recent wiring considering the exorbitant cost of its structure.

But because of the advancement in the recent knob & tube, its installation is being accepted in most agricultural vicinities, industrial companies like the textile companies, and other related environments in the united states of America.

Why People Still Prefer The Knob & Tube Wiring Despite The Availability Of Other Good Alternatives?

There is a countable number of reasons why people still go for knob & tube wiring, some of which encompass:

As of 1909, the cost of wiring a building using the knob & tube wiring was tremendously low, making most people go for it in the presence of other alternatives. 

Components of porcelain make knob & tube wiring have a lifespan that is incomparable to none.

Because the advantage of the knob & tube wiring is to be designed so that it is kept in a position far from the frame, it does not experience puncturing by the nails as is shared with another wiring. 

It’s high ampacity distinguishes it from every other wiring possessing an equivalent gauge.

The knob & tube wiring benefits have contributed to its usage despite its antiquity, even though the use is currently restricted to some fields and industries.

Things That Could Make Someone Consider Replacing Their Knob & Tube Wiring

There is a countable number of things that could propel someone to start thinking of replacing their knob & tube wiring. Some of those things encompass but are not limited to:

During building renovations. During re-insulation. The antiquity of the wiring makes it not to be covered by your insurance provider. When there is damage. When you need the newer version.

Is There A Need To Change The Junction Box During Replacing Wiring Done With  Knob & Tube?

Most time, if not all the time, it is being changed during the replacement of the wiring done with knob & tube. This is particularly essential when the newer version changes the old ones.

Some Limitations Regarding The Use Of The Knob & Tube Wiring That Needs Upgrading.

As good as the knob & tube wiring may seem, it still has limitations that have hampered most of its applications. The manufacturing company can also improve these limitations to increase its applications and usage.

Some of The encountered limitations encompass:

It does not have ground wiring owing to its 2-wire nature, and this ground wiring would have been of help in the prevention of electrocution.

Occurrence of fire hazard through its insulationIt sags with time. It cannot power a building that has numerous appliancesThe modifications are, most time, unsafe. The resent installation cost is very high when compared to other wiring. The most recent 3-prong appliances are not compatible with knob & tube wiring. The ampere capacity of the knob & tube is minimal compared to what is obtainable now. Most of these limitations have greatly limited the usage of knob & tube wiring in most recent buildings, which now utilize cable wiring with countable advantages over knob & tube.


Now we have learnt “Knob And Tube Wiring Replacement Cost”, There is no consensus on the cost of replacing a knob & tube wiring as it is a total of different conditions like the building size, places to return, incurred damages during renovation, and countable other reasons. But on the medium estimate, seven to eight thousand USD can do.