Each hero has a different set of benefits, but they come at a cost: 100 pops, the game’s currency for major unlockables, like characters.

This guide details each character, their bonuses, and how to go about getting pops.

Knights of the Card Table Characters



Available from the beginning

Special stats:

3 hearts, but that’s just average

Roguish is your first character, but that doesn’t mean you should form an attachment to him. Roguish is an average character on whole who doesn’t really offer any reason to stick with him unless you happen to like the design.



2 Pops + 100 Coins

Special Stats

+3% critical hit rate +3% dodge rate

Punchboxer is the easiest character to unlock and the one you’ll likely stick with for a while. Not only is it the least expensive character apart from Roguish, but the stat boosts are the most useful, particularly when combined with some of the later weapons.



100 Pops

Special Stats

+1 Health for a total of 4 Hearts

In terms of practicality, Bandaider isn’t the best way to spend 100 Pops. The extra heart is definitely useful, but Knights of the Card Table is pretty liberal with health drinks. Chances are, you won’t really need that extra heart for a long while.

Still, if you’re having trouble early on and have the Pops to spare, Bandaider is the way to go.



100 Pops

Special Stats:

+1% critical hit rate +1% dodge rate +1 health restored with each health drink consumed

Sodamancer offers a bit of Punchboxer and Bandaider, without surpassing either. The increase in critical hit rate is slight enough to where it really needs a weapon to make it worthwhile. The same for shields, but they cost way too much gold to be practical until later, unless you’re a spender.

However, even if you don’t have an extra weapon or a good shield, Sodamancer’s health drink boost can come in handy in a tight spot.



Exclusive to “a certain version of the game. " No details at this time, but could be referring to a later iOS version.

Special Stats:

+8% critical hit rate

The Smackfighter’s massive critical hit rate boost would definitely be useful, since it more than doubles Punchboxer’s critical hit boost. How useful remains uncertain, though, since its still locked behind an exclusivity wall.



50 Pops

Special Stats:

+3% dodge rate +3% critical hit rate +2 extra armor (read: extra hearts)

The Pal-around-adin is second-to-last in the character list, which is a shame. It should technically be the one right after Punchboxer. Not only is it cheaper, but the special extras it brings can’t be beat.

It’s basically Punchboxer that can take 2 extra hits. Especially if you’re struggling as you progress through the game’s middle and later stages, unlock the Pal-around-adin as soon as you can.



100 Pops

Special Stats:

+10% critical hit rate +10% dodge rate Magic -1 health

The Popcaster is the most interesting character you can choose in Knights of the Card Table. It needs that extra boost for dodging and critical hits so it can dispatch enemies faster, thanks to only having 2 health.

However, the magic option does make Popcaster a viable character to use.

Magic effects are lifesavers, especially in the tougher dungeons you unlock as you progress through the game. Fireballs deal a set number of damage to each enemy on screen, while ice effects freeze enemies until you target them, and so on. Popcaster ups the difficulty a bit, but simultaneously gives you more ways to dish out damage and at higher numbers.

In short, each character has some special benefits, but the go-to Heroes are, without a doubt, Punchboxer and Pal-around-adin, with Popcaster being a close third if you don’t mind a slight difficulty increase.

How to Get Pops in Knights of the Card Table

You likely noticed each character after Punchboxer costs a lot of Pops to unlock. If you’ve played the game a bit, you probably also noticed Pops aren’t exactly falling off trees.

There’s a reason for that. Pops are Knights of the Card Table’s biggest F2P mechanic. Of course, they’re available for purchase, and here’s a breakdown of how you can get them:

No Ads Bundle: One hero, No Ads, 50 Pops, 50k Gold ($11. 99) Have a Heart Bundle: One heart added to all Heroes, 50 Pops ($9. 99) Taco Tuesday: One Hero, 2x Gold and Pop drops, 50 Pops, 50k gold ( $11. 99) Taco Thursday: No more ads, 2x Gold and Pop drops, 50 Pops, 50k Gold ($11. 99) Sheet of Pops: 50 Pops ($4. 99) Box of Pops: 110 Pops (9. 99) Gross of Pops: 250 Pops ($19. 99) Value Pack Pops: 400 Pops ($29. 99) 500 Pops: 500 Pops ($39. 99)

Unlocking all characters, minus Smackfighter and the much cheaper Punchboxer, would cost $35.00 if you just did the Sheet of Pops. That’s not bad, all things considered, but there are ways around it if you don’t want to pay money at all.

Those ways involve quests.

Knights of the Card Table includes a random set of quests every few days for you to work on. These range from earning a set amount of Gold to defeating x number of difficult monsters or getting 5 dice streaks in a row.

These can be reset at any time, though naturally, you’ll lose progress in your current missions if you do reset. Completing missions earns you Pops, though, and while you definitely won’t be getting as many as you would if you forked over the cash, it does add up over time.

That, plus the fact that early Heroes like Punchboxer and Pal-around-adin are some of the best, means you can enjoy Knights of the Card Table without worrying over spending much money, if any at all. 

Looking for the best weapons in Knights of the Card Table? We’ve got a guide for that.