Since he first hit American televisions in 2007, fans have been in love with the way Gordon Ramsay dealt with people. A mix of aggression, curse words, helpful tips and often, yelling, made him likable in a respectful way.

While he wasn’t always aggressive, sometimes he needed to be more forceful with the owners and chefs he was helping to ensure his point was made. By having a sit-down conversation, or berating them in front of customers, Gordon made it clear how he was helping. Here are ten times Ramsay doled out some tough love to help make things better.


The fourth episode of the first season, Seascape was a long-lasting eatery on the northeast coast that needed help from Gordon. Open since 1962 and owned by the mother-son team, Gordon found a problem deeper than ego and a bad chef, though that is a problem as well.

The main problem turned out to be the son, Peter’s emotional problem. During a confrontation between the two owners and Gordon, even mom Irene calls her son out for not stepping up to the plate in the business. In a weirdly touching moment, Gordon challenges Peter by having him confront his emotional issues in a boxing ring, which was filled with interchanging put-downs and pep talks.

Prohibition Grille

With an owner who doesn’t care about her restaurant and didn’t understand that things could be wrong, Prohibition Grill was a tough revamp for Gordon. Rishi, the owner, spends the entire episode as an airhead, much to the disdain of Gordon who is trying to get her to recognize the faults she keeps denying.

Rishi grows into her role as an owner throughout the episode, but she takes some harsh ribbing from Gordon as well. The peak is when he insults her intelligence multiple times to her rebuttals of “That’s just how things are.” When he finally gets through to her, the emotional breakdown is something that she really needed, as it helps her recognize the problems she needed to fix.

Casa Roma

Deemed one of the worst restaurants he had ever seen, Gordon’s visit to Casa Roma was filled with ups and downs. With an owner that had no experience in the food industry and a head chef who just didn’t care anymore, it seemed like hope was lost.

Clearly needing an in-her-face confrontation, Gordon closes the restaurant down and demands that owner Nylah fire head chef Erick. After making several good points and agreeing that the head chef was only there for the money, both Gordon and Nylah agree that they need to move forward. Usually, Gordon will put the option on the table to fire a chef, but in this episode,  he explicitly says to fire the problem.

Burger Kitchen

Stealing your son’s money and using it to open a restaurant is already a bad business tactic, but having a mismanaged staff and tension between every person in the restaurant is not the way to success. The Burger Kitchen was opened by Alan, Gen and, through theft, Daniel Saffron, and the kitchen was run by the aggressive chef David.

Emotions reach ahead as Daniel has to fire David and then breaks down in the middle of service. Rather than attacking him for the choices made by other people, namely the parents, Gordon helps Daniel get himself together by forcing him to take charge. The whole time Gordon makes sure the Daniel knows he isn’t at fault for the past, he puts a lot of needed pressure of the future on Daniel’s shoulders.


Bazzini was a rough situation for Gordon. While everything was not lost thanks to Sharyn, the pastry chef, the rest of the restaurant was a disaster. Owner and chef Paul Bazzini mucked about through the whole episode. During the final night service, he allowed things to get so backed up that Gordon stepped in and took control of the kitchen.

After the dinner service, Gordon tells Paul that he cannot do it. After berating him for his lack of effort and mismanagement, Gordon tells him that the restaurant needs to be a part of him. It seems to click for Paul as Gordon walks out of the restaurant for the last time, hoping Paul changes.

Le Bistro

Chef and owner Andy of Le Bistro was a classic example of the type of owner Gordon wanted to change in his show. A full ego and filled with a lack of care for his sinking restaurant, Andy, again and again, proved his incompetence by not progressing with Gordon’s help. Through several tactics, including trapping Andy on a boat with former customers with complaints, Gordon tried to reach Andy to no avail.

After watching a very poor dinner service, Gordon sits Andy down and says that he proved that he didn’t “give a shit about the customers.” Andy being told he was blowing his chance at a chef’s dream and the success of his restaurant clicked something in his mind, leading him to switch gears and pull off a successful relaunch.


Gordon held nothing back in his time at Charlie’s. Co-owner Tatiana seemed to not take the situation seriously and, even worse, the chef actively ignored Gordon the whole time he was there. Purchasing it after working there as a waitress, using her family’s homes as collateral, Tatiana didn’t change a single thing when she took over.

Calling her out for her role, Gordon wastes no time making sure Tatiana knows the problems start with her. Midway through the episode, Gordon lays into her for over a minute about her inability to lead properly and her lack of care. As she breaks down, he doesn’t let up. It was that kick that she needed to get herself and the restaurant together, which she does by firing her bad chef and finally listening to Gordon.

Amy’s Baking Company

Amy’s Baking Company is, arguably, the most infamous restaurant Gordon ever visited. Even before Gordon shows up to the eatery, there are major problems as owners Sammy and Amy almost get into an actual fight with a customer. High tensions, extreme egos, and major delusions made the pair terrifying to watch.

Not only were they scary to watch but working for them was far from the bee’s knees. During a service, Gordon learns that the servers do not receive their tips. Rather, Sammy takes them for himself. While he doesn’t hide his disdain for Sammy, Gordon makes it a point to call out the owners to all of their customers, hoping it would give them a realization. Instead, it makes them even angrier and more threatening. The servers gladly respected Gordon’s work in the end.

Hot Potato Café

Niche restaurants are a big market as they sell to a specific type of person. Those people, however, don’t take kindly to being fed crap. Boasting three owners and a 21-year-old chef with no training, the café looked to be on its last leg when Gordon arrived.

Not convinced the café was able to be helped, he left the restaurant but is shortly followed by the owners. Having a street-side conversation, Gordon tells the owners that they don’t care, making sure not to blame the chef for their decisions. His words convince them to step up their efforts and care about what they were involved in.

The Capri

Twin pranksters Jim and Jeff owned The Capri for 14 years before finding themselves in a dire enough situation to call Gordon. The two are emotional and fun-loving, which makes it a lot harder to see them failing at the beginning of the episode. While their light-hearted antics make for fun entertainment, their culinary and business prowess leaves a lot to be desired.

Gordon, never being one to hold back, takes the boys through the wringer several times for the episode. Eventually, he takes them to a boxing ring and has them work out their problems physically and emotionally. He pesters them for their truths, then has them fight each other briefly, allowing them every one to be on the same level.