Kingdom Hearts 3 is loaded with lots of hidden items and side-quests. One of these fun quests is the Heartless Flans scattered throughout the different worlds. There will be one Flan per world with seven in total and to access them you will have to revisit the planet after its story missions have been completed.

Completing the Flantastic Seven’s different mini-games will reward you with extra abilities that can’t be found anywhere else. You will also be rewarded with an Orichalcum+, which is needed to unlock the Ultima Weapon for Sora. Finding each Flan will take a little work on the player’s part but this walkthrough will guide you to a Flantastic victory.

Locate the Cherry Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Cherry Flan can be found in the world of Olympus. Simply head to the Overlook in Thebes and go up the stairs to find the Cherry Flan. It will challenge you to ride a shield through Thebes collecting smaller Flans. The mini-game is simple, just avoid the walls and collect the little flans whenever you can.

Completing the shield-ride with more than 10,000 points will reward the player with a Sour Cherry. If the player completes the game with more than 20,000 points, they’ll get two Sour Cherries and the Formchange Extender ability.

Locate the Strawberry Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Strawberry Flan can be found in Toy Story’s Toy Box world. Head to the Galaxy Toys Rest Area and you’ll see the Flan over by the save point. Head toward the vending machines to find it. The Strawberry Flan game has you stacking Flan by running towards them and avoiding giant strawberries.

Once completed the player will be rewarded with three Strawberries. If completed with over 17,000 points they will also receive the Attraction Extender ability.

Locate the Blood Orange Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Orange Flan is found in the Kingdom of Corona. Go into the forest and head to the secret entrance cave. The Orange Flan will be found right in front of the entrance to the cave. Its mini-game has you taking pictures of other Flan.

To take quality pictures of the Flan, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve positioned yourself so the Flan is in the direct center of the frame. Some will even pose for their picture.

Once completed, the player will be rewarded with two Blood Oranges. If the player has scored over 23,000 points they will also receive the Treasure Magnet ability.

Locate the Banana Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Banana Flan can be found in Monstropolis. Fast travel to The Factory Basement and turn right and go through the white door. This will bring you into the Door Vault, head into the next room and enter the brown door on the left. Once inside, the Banana Flan can be found down a short hallway.

For this Flan, you will actually have to fight it. It’s easy enough to defeat as long as you avoid his belly flop. Just dodge and hit it whenever you can. At the end of the battle, players receive a Banana. If defeated with over 20,000 points you’ll get three Bananas and the Grand Magic Extender ability.

Locate the Watermelon Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Watermelon Flan can be found in the Pirates of the Caribbean world at the Port Royal Fort. It will challenge the player to a shooting game. Just focus the canon on the larger Flans and score the most points possible.

Scoring at least 17,000 points will reward the player with a Watermelon. Scoring over 30,000 nets the player three Watermelons and the Focus Syphon ability.


Locate the Grape Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The Grape Flan is smack in the middle of the North Mountain in Arendelle, right near the Moogle Shop. You’ll have to jump off a cliff and skydive down to its location.

The Grape Flan mini-game is another combat-based game. Small Flan will come and attack you, kill as many as you can within the time limit and be rewarded with one Grape. If the player scores over 20,000 points the reward will be three grapes and the Unison Blizzard ability.

Locate the Honeydew Flan in Kingdom Hearts 3

The final Flan can be found in San Fransokyo. Head to the South District of the city. You’ll need to get to the top of the circular building north of the save point. Climb the square skyscraper that’s next to it, and jump from there to the circular building.

The Honeydew Flan challenges you to float as long as possible by bouncing on other Flans. Keep an eye out for the gold sparkling Flan as they keep things from getting too fast. Once completed, the player is rewarded with one Melon. If completed with over 15,000 points the player receives three Melons and the Attraction Extender ability.

Once the last Flan has been appeased Sora will receive the coveted Orichalcum+.

More: Kingdom Hearts 3: How To Unlock the Secret Ending Video

Kingdom Hearts 3 is available on Xbox One and Playstation 4.