Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind has brought 13 new challenging boss battles from the Kingdom Hearts series. Here’s a walkthrough to help players through the LimitCut episode. Kingdom Hearts 3’s newest expansion with Re:Mind has provided more context into the base games story and helped challenge the notion that the game was “too easy”. Within the LimitCut episode, 13 new bosses have appeared, bringing a more challenging version of previous antagonists from the series. These new bosses are amongst the most challenging in the history of the series and players need to prepare to face them.

Picking up right after the end of the Re:Mind Scenario, the LimitCut episode follows Riku as he’s searching for Sora around the worlds. This leads him to Radiant Garden, the location of the now returned Final Fantasy characters. Sid of Final Fantasy 7 has created a digital version of Sora using his fighting data. Not only that, but Sid also developed data versions of the Real Organization 13. This is where the player will take control of a digital Sora. Similar to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, the battles will take place in a reimagined Garden of Assemblage. 13 doorways align the room, and a challenging boss resides on the other side. Before jumping into one of the doors, purchase a Kupo Coin, Hi-Potions and Ethers for Sora’s inventory. Also, use Counter Kick as the reprisal. This makes it much easier to identify when Sora can attack.

How To Beat Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Young Xehanort is the first amongst the data Organization. Young Xehanort enjoys teleporting around the arena. Plenty of his moves are open for punishment after the third swing from his Keyblade. As he approaches Sora, he’ll slash at him three times. Block these and after the third strike, punish him by attacking. When he’s heavily damaged, he’ll summon a circle around Sora. Dodge Roll away. If Sora gets hit, time will stop and Young Xehanort will openly attack Sora. Eventually, Young Xehanort will shoot ice at Sora twice. The first batch, Sora can block these. As for the second batch, roll away, as Young Xehanort will attack Sora with his whip. Another move he does in threes would be when he rolls at Sora from the air. Block these, and punish the third attack. After sustaining high damage, Young Xehanort will enter his desperation move, where he engulfs the entire arena with a clock. Time will slow down, but when Sora is able to move again, roll away until Young Xehanort seems open. When Young Xehanort summons a smaller clock in front of him, do not attack him directly. Instead, Shotlock him for some additional damage. Attack him as this is his final move to worry about.

How To Beat Dark Riku in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Dark Riku can be overwhelming, as he doesn’t stop attacking for any moment throughout the entire fight. Anything that is red is unblockable, so roll away to avoid getting hit. When Dark Riku is farther away, he will leap and teleport towards Sora. Block this and Counter Kick to do some damage. Dark Riku also has a barrier. Hit the barrier, but block as soon as it explodes to do additional damage. Usually, the counters’ invincibility frames go through his other attacks. Dark Riku can summon diamonds around Sora to box him in. Sora can roll through this to avoid being trapped. As for when Dark Riku summons a dark circle under Sora, eventually, this will rise and attack Sora. Roll around consistently to avoid getting hit. Dark Riku’s desperation move is him teleporting around the arena at quick speeds. Block these and as the slashes stop, roll away to avoid the red pillars of lights rising from the ground. Repeat this process until Dark Riku no longer has hp.

How To Beat Saix in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Shortcut Blizzaga, as it’s an ability that is vital for this fight. Also, having the ability Stun Protection is important, as Saix has a move that will stun Sora. The Nano Gear Keyblade has this ability. Throughout the fight, Saix will be entered into his Berserk Mode. When he’s swinging his weapon around, block and dodge to punish his attacks. Whenever he summons fire from the ground, this attack is unblockable. Roll away to avoid being damaged. When Saix enters Berserk Mode, his openings for punishment are very few. Avoid being damaged up until Saix throws his weapon at Sora. When he does this, Quick-Step to him and attack. Eventually, Saix will attempt to refill his Berserk Meter. Use Blizzage to stop him. Saix will then begin to make his way around the arena, creating fire circles. Sora cannot attack him when he’s like this. Glide in the air and search for projectiles coming towards Sora. Air Slide into the projectile to avoid it. Eventually, Saix will tire himself out, being left open to get attacked.

How To Beat Larxene in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Similar to Dark Riku, Larxene is a battle where she won’t stop attacking. Blocking and using Counter Kick is a good way to racking up damage. Although, when she throws lighting at Sora, this is unblockable, so rolling away is the better strategy. After the third pillar of lighting, Larxene is open to being attacked. Quick-Step to close the distance. Sora will spend a large chunk of this fight rolling away and waiting for an opportunity to attack. When she throws her daggers into the ground, Sora can Quick-Step and attack her while she’s in the air. As for her desperation move, Larxene will multiply. To avoid getting hit, focus blocking the one using physical attacks and Counter Kick for invincibility frames. All of the copies of Larxene have a hitbox, so hitting one will take down her health. Keep blocking and using Counter Kick to take her down.

How To Beat Xigbar in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Xigbar enjoys playing keep-away in this data battle. When the battle begins, Xigbar will summon a dark circle in front of Sora. Sora cannot glide over this circle. Instead, stay put and constantly block the projectiles he shoots at Sora. Eventually, Xigbar will teleport close to Sora to get some shots in. This is the player’s opportunity to attack. Xigbar will remove the circle from the ground. When he does this, he’ll teleport around the arena. Continue to block his lasers. Eventually, Sora will be prompted to “Showdown”. The player must be faster than Xigbar with their reflexes. Outspeed Xigbar, and punish him. For the most part, a lot of this fight is countering Xigbar’s lasers. Do this until Xigbar enters his desperation move. Sora can avoid the attack in its entirety if he uses a Link. Wreck-It Ralph is the best bet since it lasts so long. Once the move is over, punish him and end the fight.

How To Beat Ansem in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

The fight will begin with Ansem surround Sora will lasers. Either block these or roll out of the way. He also sets up diamonds similar to Dark Riku. Sora can attack through these. When Ansem sends a dark circle below Sora, Quick-Step out of the way and dish out some damage to Ansem. After a while, Ansem will charge at Sora three times. On the third charge, he’ll slow down a bit to mix the player up. After the third, Quick-Step to Ansem to attack. Another one of Ansem’s moves is surrounding himself with light. Sora can block these and counter for additional damage. When Ansem enters his desperation move, block the lasers that come out of the orbs four times. On the fourth, attack Ansem as he’ll be open. Afterward, glide up into the air and block the lasers coming at Sora. At the end of this move, Ansem will attempt to suck Sora in and explode. Dodge roll away to avoid being caught. Ansem is one of the few data battles with two desperation moves. As for the second, use Wreck-It Ralph to avoid being hit. Continue this until the fight is over.

How To Beat Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Xemnas has a move where he shoots lightning at Sora and tosses him. This move is non-damaging but can disorient the player. Xemnas will summon a circle of lasers around Sora. Block immediately and roll out when Xemnas attacks. Punish him right after. Afterward, Xemnas will summon three walls into the sky. Allow Sora to be thrown into these walls but block the attacks he throws out. Keep blocking until Xemnas staggers himself in the air and punish. When Xemnas begins his desperation move, the entire arena will fall into darkness. Continue to block until lasers surround the arena. Block all of these lasers and prepare for Xemnas’s next strike. Xemnas will have a moment between attacks where it can throw off Sora’s guards. Wait a bit and block accordingly. More lasers will arrive but this time, blue lasers will appear. These blue lasers are unblockable so roll out the way to avoid them. As the end of his desperation move, the screen will glow white and Sora will appear stunned. Spam dodge roll to avoid being hit. Keep attacking Xemnas until the battle is done.

How To Beat Luxord in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Luxord has a gimmick to his fight similar to Kingdom Hearts 2. Here, Sora will lose if his time gauge reaches zero. If he begins the fight with the move where he rides a tower of cards into the air, block these and counter to make first damage. A lot of this fight is spent running away until he decides to start his card game. For his first card game, Sora must select the cards marked with “O” before time runs out. Carefully select the right card, as Sora’s quick movements can potentially cost the player the game. For his second card game, cards will scatter around the arena. Quickly glide around and attack only the cards with the “O”. If Sora’s lucky, he might find the card marked with Luxord on it. After enough damage, Luxord will enter his desperation move. Cards will surround the arena. Sora must find the cards with Luxord on them. Fortunately, pressing triangle is now how players can select cards, avoiding potential mistakes. Repeat this until his time gauge is gone.

How To Beat Marluxia in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Marluxia will begin by slashing at Sora with his scythe. Block these and counter the last one to get an opening. Marluxia may follow up with the move where he throws his scythe around the room. Dodge roll to get out of the away and on the third and final throw, Quick-Step to Marluxia to attack him. After a while, Marluxia will summon small lasers and target Sora. Focus on blocking his scythe swings and counter on the final hit for damage. Similar to Kingdom Hearts 2, Marluxia has a move where he whispers into Sora’s ear and a counter will appear of Sora’s head. Start with a shotlock to knock off his armor and use the “Dispel” command to remove the counter. When Marluxia summons four circles in the arena, glide away and block the third hit of his scythe attack to punish. Afterward, Marluxia may turn pink. Use fire to remove him from this state. Once Marluxia’s HP reaches one, he’ll return back to the center. Dodge roll all the scythe throws and prepare to use a fire spell to finish him. Once he is vulnerable again, use Fire and finish the fight.

How To Beat Terra Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

When Terra Xehanort begins the fight, he’ll most likely rush at Sora. Block these attacks. Once he begins shooting dark fire, block these as well. When he shoots them quickly, mid-block, Quick-Step to him to attack. Careful, as if the player attacks him too much, his guardian will rise from the ground and punish Sora. Roll away to avoid getting hit. If his Keyblade is red, this means the attack is unblockable. On his first swing, the Keyblade will be red. Roll away to avoid the first hit, then block to counter the rest. For his desperation move, use Wreck-It Ralph to avoid being killed. Once it’s over, finish off the fight with Ralph’s finisher.

How To Beat Vanitas in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

For starters, Vanitas will send six slashes in Sora’s direction. Block the first five. When he shoots out the sixth, Quick-Step to Vanitas to attack. Vanitas will burrow is way into the ground. Every time he rises, a fire will shoot out. Block the third burst and counter for some damage. When Vanitas starts to ride on the Keyblades, dodge roll into the Blizzards he shoots out to avoid them. When he steps off the Keyblades, Quick-Step to him to attack. Vanitas will pop his desperation move and surround himself with Keyblades. To avoid this, use the Simba link to avoid death. Once it’s over, continue to read his patterns until the fight is over.

How To Beat Xion in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

Xion is one of the unlockable data bosses, and one of the toughest. She plays very similar to Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, primarily using light attacks to dish out damage. Bring the Nano Gear Keyblade, as Stun Protection is an ability Sora will need for this fight. For starters, she’ll warp around the arena and attack. Block these and counter her last attack. Afterward, she’ll follow up by throwing her Keyblade three times. On the third one, Sora can dodge in and punish her. When she pops her armor attack, shotlock her with the Nano Gear Keyblade to break down half of her armor. A Keyblade Transformation should be ready. Once she leaps at Sora, pop the Keyblade Transformation finisher to remove the rest of her armor. When she begins her desperation move, use Simba and jump around. Simba should naturally end at the same time Xion’s move does. Attack her at the end of her move and learn her patterns to finish off the fight.

How To Beat Master Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind

The final data battle with Master Xehanort is here. He opens up the fight by raining down fireballs from the sky. The safest bet is to get hit by them but to not Aerial Recover. Wait until the move is over the safely land on the ground and heal. Once Sora lands, he’ll throw his Keyblade at Sora. Get close and block it so it’ll stun him and attack. Xehanort will then surround the arena with light. Dodge into the light he throws at Sora. After his third teleport, Quick-Step to him to do some damage. Next, lasers will rain from the sky. Mash dodge roll to avoid getting hit. When Xehanort starts throwing his projectiles at Sora, roll into them to avoid being damaged. Eventually, he will summon four red lasers. Roll to avoid these and during the fourth laser, attack him as he will be open. When Xehanort begins his desperation move, summon Simba to avoid being hit. Once this move is over, he’ll begin to transform his own Keyblade. When it’s a whip, Sora can block it. Once it’s a shield, run by rolling. Carefully read his moves and finish the final data fight.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind brought a new challenging aspect to the game. These new boss fights will provide hardcore players with something to do as we wait for the next entry in the series. Another game in the series is coming soon under the title Kingdom Hearts Dark Road. This game will tell the story of how Xehanort began his walk to the path of darkness. Until then, Kingdom Hearts 3’s LimitCut episode will keep us occupied for hours with these difficult bosses.

More: Kingdom Hearts 3: Re:Mind DLC Walkthrough

Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind is available on the Playstation 4 and February 25th, 2020 on Xbox One.