News of a day-one patch of this size has unsurprisingly left a bitter taste in some gamers’ mouths. The size of the patch left many with questions about why exactly the game needed such a sizable addition so soon and how it may lengthen download times. Martin Kilma, Executive Producer at Warhorse, promises that this day-one patch brings huge improvements to many aspects of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Quests will be more balanced, RPG progressions will be smoother, and the game will just plain run better, according to Kilma.

Kilma insists that the wait time will be worth it, but what about the storage space? What this means for players is that digital downloads will be replaced with the day-one patch. Players will still have to download approximately 46 GB of data, but it won’t take up that much storage space. Unfortunately for players with physical copies, the same does not hold true. Kingdom Come: Deliverance will take up 46 GB of storage space because the patch does not replace the original build that must be installed.

Is that data well used? Take a look at these patch notes and decide for yourself whether this game will be worth the wait time:

Addition of multiple new events to the open world. Massive improvement in dialogue animations. Gaining money and experience is rebalanced. Weapon and armour stats are rebalanced. General combat improvements. Improved NPC reaction time. Sound propagation adjusted. Archery is now possible in stealth mode. Improved Persuasion UI. Plus numerous other bug fixes and improvements.

Is 46 GB too much for you? Do you think the improvements will be worth the wait? Leave a comment and give us your two cents!