Two people harmed in a street mishap on Tuesday- – Sumit Gaur (21),and Mahboob Siddique (20) – – were proclaimed dead and their bodies were kept at the medical clinic mortuary short-term.

At the point when Sumit’s family members showed up at the funeral home to guarantee the body on Wednesday, they found various indentations all over. The rodents had snacked the nose, they affirmed.

Authorities said the funeral home has a profound cooler for saving bodies.

In any case, they guaranteed that the body was not kept as expected and caused a commotion at the workplace of the central clinical official (CMO).

Following their protest, CMO Dr Ashutosh Dubey has comprised a two-part request board of trustees headed by right hand boss clinical official (ACMO) Dr A.K. Choudhary to explore the matter.